Hydraulic engineering, land reclamation works and irrigation

In 1982 both Studio Prof. ing. L. de Vito and CESECO moved to their current address in Rome.
Since 2001 Adriano de Vito has been CESECO INTERNATIONAL s.r.l. sole director.
From its inception, CESECO has been providing professional and consulting services and implementing several water engineering projects, including drainage, land reclamation works and irrigation, maritime engineering and hydroelectric plants, dams and weirs, aqueducts and sewages. The connected environment and economic issues have also been tackled as well as water exploitation and water sources location.
More recently, CESECO has developed considerable expertise in the electricity and gas distribution system management.
CESECO is involved in several fields of activities for which it provides its clients with a wide range of complementary services:
Services related to project identification and formulation- Project identification / appraisal
- Baseline studies and site investigations
- Economic and financial surveys and cost/benefit assessments
- Environmental impact analyses
- Master plans, feasibility studies
- Project management
- Final and detailed designs
- Procurement services and contract negotiations
- Construction supervision
- Technical assistance
- Environmental mitigation studies
- Safety audit
CESECO customers are Public Authorities, Ministries, Regional, District and Municipal Authorities; drainage, aqueduct and industrial private associations, as well as general contractors, building contractors and engineering firms.
Together with its partners, a team of consultants and collaborators are also sharing CESECO's tasks.
1956 - 2025: 69 years
experience in water engineering
About us

Water engineering consulting firm in Rome, hydroelectric plants, dams and weirs, aqueducts and sewages
Via Lugnano in Teverina 9 - 00181 Roma | Tel.: +0039 06/7811891 | Fax: +0039 06/7801129 | e-mail: ceseco@ceseco-int.it